Week of February 27th to March 2nd

 Hola clase!

This week, we will be reviewing presente indicativo, your obligations, using verbs ending in -ar, -er, -ir.

I hope you all have a wonderful break!

Week of February 13-16

 Hola clase!

This week we will be learning about routines using verbs -AR, -ER, and -IR. We will also learn about verb "tener que" to talk about your responsibilities at home and as a student.

See you in class!

Week of February 6-9


This week we will start learning how to conjugate verbs ending in -AR, -ER and IR in Spanish while learning about people's routines and life.

We will also review the jobs we learned in last unit.

Buena semana!

Bienvenidos a la clase de Espanol!

 Hola! Welcome to a new school year! During this first semester, we will be learning Spanish, but also about the culture of all the Spanish-...